Seven months ago, a client contacted me about a piece of furniture she had that she was unable to sell on Craigslist. I have yet to see another piece quite like it, and believe me, I spent many hours turned into nights searching to find something remotely close to this piece. I sought antique dealers’ opinions, tried the piece in several different rooms and functional capacities and spent many conversations deliberating what the purpose of this piece was. Alas, I came up fairly short handed. The best answer I received was it was some sort of dressing table and it used to have a mirror attached. One thing was for certain, the piece was no longer functional in our walk-in closet, double vanity bathroom era. I love the wood grain this piece has and love the clean lines. I always love me a good old fashioned keyhole, and the emblem of authenticity straight from England helped distinguish this piece in my mind. With a lot of help and patience from my handy husband, we transformed what was a completely dysfunctional piece into a classy (and dare I say functional) nightstand with plenty of storage.